X-Rocker PRO is the worlds most original and modern gaming chair that comes with a wonderful wireless technology and stereo sounds so you can throw yourself into the feeling of being in the game, to the movie or even to the concert.
The X-Rocker PRO features a 3 channel wireless audio, a vibration unit, an audio system with surround sound, an internal amplifier, satellite speakers, an adjustable powered subwoofer and an integrated wireless receiver. X-Rocker PRO is compatible with all gaming platforms including your favorite TVs, DVDs and Stereo Systems.
-£149.95 at boysstuff
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–Gaming Chair at Amazon
Yeah this chair is in latest technology Very comfortable and affordable in cost. Really very nice . Great work.
Wow! what a chair it looks so comfortable.how much cost is of this chair? Maybe I’ll buy this if it suits to my budget.