Home » USB Can Cooler And Warmer – Your Practical And Easy To Use Drink Chiller And Warmer

USB Can Cooler And Warmer – Your Practical And Easy To Use Drink Chiller And Warmer

Here’s another gadget that will make your favorite drinks chilled or warmed.

USB Can Cooler and Warmer

This USB Can Cooler and Warmer features cool down temperature of up to 18 to 20 degrees and a heat up temperature of up to +65 degrees making it easy and practical to be used in home or in office. Now you have a very good reason to finish those long and tiring tasks without making any pause because your favorite drinks can now be sited beside you. Just add your favorite drink, switch the chiller or warmer button and you’re ready to go.

– $32.00 at usb.brando


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