The Star Wars BB-8 Droid – An app-enabled interactive toy perfect for star wars fanatics

The Star Wars BB-8 Droid

The Star Wars BB-8 Droid is not just lovable when it comes to its perfect look but at the same time adorable when it comes to its features and functions, thanks to BB-8 Droid’s unique and interactive function, recognizing even your kids voice will surely make this lively droid respond quickly.

The Star Wars BB-8 Droid

The Star Wars BB-8 Droid

This Star Wars interactive toy is app-enabled so you can be sure that this cute droid will respond to your command of course using your favorite phone.

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The Star Wars BB-8 Droid 1

Star Wars BB-8 Droid moves around without any problem, it can even display virtual holographic videos, drive around narrow corners and even recognizes the owner’s voice once you start giving directions.

The Star Wars BB-8 Droid 2

Perfect for Star Wars fanatics out there, this unique and adorable droid is the only and the perfect gift you can give to your star wars fanatic kids.

Check [THIS PAGE] to watch the droid in action.


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