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Home » TelyHD Skype Camera – Enjoy HD Video Conferencing without PC

TelyHD Skype Camera – Enjoy HD Video Conferencing without PC

Got HDTv? How about turning it into a high definition video calling system? No problem, here’s TelyHD Skype Camera, an innovative new gadget capable of delivering skype video calling in full HD.

Tely Labs telyHD Skype Camera

With TelyHD Skype Camera, now you can easily connect to your love ones instantly even without PC, just connect this modern device into your HDTV;s HDMI port and you’re good to go.

This Skype Camera already comes with everything you need including a high definition camera, a microphone with noise cancelling feature, an HDMI cable and of course the Skype app so you can make HD video call to any skype user using tablets, smartphones, iPads or any device that is skype compatible.

Tely Labs telyHD Skype Camera 2

TelyHD Skype Camera is built on the Android OS and is WiFi enabled device, it also provides other unique capabilities including sending and receiving HD videos, video mail and even sharing cool photos just perfect for bringing together fun memories right at your very own living room.

Other important feature includes wide angle lens support, tilting and zooming fnunction and beam forming microphones so everything can be heard smoothly minus that annoying noise background. Wanna try?

-$249.99 at amazon