Tag: wireless goggles

  • The Full Immersion Computer Goggles – A wireless goggle that create the immersive experience of 100″ High Definition computer screen

    The Full Immersion Computer Goggles – A wireless goggle that create the immersive experience of 100″ High Definition computer screen

    Tired of looking at a very uncomfortable small screen from your PC or even at your smartphone and tablet screen? Whether you are playing your favorite game, watching your favorite latest movies or listening to your favorite live band concerts, now you can clearly see anywhere you are or anywhere you go in High Definition of course at 100 inches screen using these wireless goggles [SOURCE].

    The Full Immersion Computer Goggles

    The Full Immersion Computer Goggles

    Read alsoiPod Video Goggles – Uses Highest Pixel Density And Sharpest Resolution Possible So You Can Enjoy More with your iPod Videos

    Introducing the Full Immersion Computer Goggles, a wireless goggles capable of transforming your PC, smartphone, tablet or any android powered devices into a futuristic virtual computer screen so you can enjoy watching movies, play your favorite computer games, check emails or even surf your favorite social media sites in 1080p wide-screen, thanks to the wireless goggle’s included application partnered with unique android apps designed to support streaming audio and video almost anywhere where a wifi connection is accessible.

    The Full Immersion Computer Goggles 1

    Perfect for obtaining your very own private theater virtually anywhere, with full immersion computer goggles, simply connect to your favorite smartphone or tablet and you’re good to go, it even comes with a wireless mouse and on-screen keyboard so you can easily control whatever you are doing.

    Packed with integrated rechargeable battery capable of supporting up to 4 hours of video watching and 5 hours of music playing with just as little as 5 hours of battery charging and best of all, these 100″ wireless goggles already includes a 1GB of internal memory and an extra slots that can handle of up to 32GB memory card just in case you need more storage space.

    Visit [THIS PAGE] for other important features.