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Home » Dry and Puppy Eye Relief Kit – Relieves dry and puppy eyes using unique gel packs

Dry and Puppy Eye Relief Kit – Relieves dry and puppy eyes using unique gel packs

Looking for a device that will help you get rid of your eye problem? Use the Dry and Puppy Eye Relief Kit, a uniquely designed goggle capable of soothing puppy and dry eyes simply by warming the gel pack into the microwave and placing it inside the goggles to start enjoying dry eye relief.

The Dry Eye Relief Kit

Dry and Puppy Eye Relief Kit

The Dry and Puppy Eye Relief Kit works simply by stimulating the tear production of the eyes and because it releases beneficial oils, increasing humidity and moisture in order to relieve dry and puppy eyes is now easy and possible. No more rubbing or even worrying about gels that would only burn and irritate the eyes, this dry eye relief kit is your perfect answer for treating even people who suffer from nocturnal lagophthalmos.

The Dry Eye Relief Kit 1

This eye relief kit is very easy to use and has a soft foam eye cup complete with adjustable strap to make sure you’ll have a comfortable and proper fit every time. Each eye treatment lasts of up to 15 minutes and already includes foam inserts that can be used for soaking in a cool or warm water. Gel packs can be heated and used for up to 50x while the included foam inserts enables the owner to treat dry and puppy eyes for up to 60x.

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