Home » 3D Star Wars Star Fighter Kites – One Of The Best Kites To Fly This Summertime

3D Star Wars Star Fighter Kites – One Of The Best Kites To Fly This Summertime

You want to put up and dash a kite that looks just like your much loved star wars fighter? Here’s 3D Star Wars Star Fighter Kites presented with all the kite detail that kites can provide so you relax while enjoying your favorite pastime with your favorite star wars ships.

3D Star Wars Star Fighter Kites features over 3 foot wingspan with durable rip stop nylon and fiberglass support rods. Choose from your preferred 3D Star Wars Star Fighter Kites like X-Wing, Tie Fighter or Millennium Falcon. Winder and flight lines are also included in the package.

– $39.99 at thinkgeek

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